I wish I could be as confident that Obama will re-elected as Stephen Buckley is today in his “America Slides into the Abyss” Post on  http://politicsrespun.org/2012/11/america-slides-into-the-abyss-us-election-liveblog/.

Over the course of this election I have gained a new appreciation of just how powerful the forces aligned against the Obama presidency and progressive change in America have been (and are). I have also reassessed what I saw as short comings in Obama’s presidency over the past four years in light of the closeness of this election.

It is now obvious to me that like many others I had allowed my expectations to soar beyond all reason during and after the 2008 election. This magnified my disappointment, and at times outright anger, with what I saw as Obama’s failures and mistakes.

I took note during the campaign that Obama admitted to making mistakes, and to a large extent avoided making excuses, or blaming others. This may have been simply a part of his campaign strategy, although I saw it as part of whom he is as a person.

In any event, I don’t see America sliding into the Abyss if Obama is re-elected. I see America slowly becoming a more just and equitable society under his leadership. Meanwhile under Harper’s leadership, Canada is becoming a less just and equitable society.