Table Tennis/ Ping Pong in Metro Vancouver

There are a number of Table Tennis clubs in the Lower Mainland. Many listed at However not all of these are associated with the BC Table Tennis association. Some of the clubs I play at and/or have researched are listed below. Vancouver...

CP Rail and the Arbutus Corridor Gambit

Our friends at CP Rail have dilemma. They apparently don’t need the land they own on the Arbutus Corridor. This is evidenced by the fact that they haven’t used it for a decade. They also tried to sell it on the open market, but couldn’t find a buyer.  This is due at...

Vancouver Civic Election Reform Part 2

I have been in favour of replacing the current at large system of electing our civic representatives with a ward system for a long time. Yet, in my previous article on civic election reform, I advocate for a mixed system with some representatives elected at large and...

Reforming Vancouver’s At Large Voting System

Vancouver has used both at-large and ward systems since it became a city in 1886. The first civic election in 1886 was an at-large vote. Then Vancouver split into five wards, and as the city grew, so did the number of wards. By the 1930s, the city had gone from wards...