by Mike Dumler | Nov 17, 2014
Initial Reaction to Results My initial reaction to the election results is that they could have been better, but then they could have been much worse. Of course, as a member of OneCity I was very disappointed that RJ Aquino did not get elected. I was also disappointed... by Mike Dumler | Jul 16, 2014
The Provincial Government passed legislation that for the 2014 Civic elections changes the term of office for local government from 3 to 4 years. The rationale is to bring BC in line with municipal terms in other provinces.... by Mike Dumler | May 21, 2013
In the centre of the ring we have the BC Liberals, the media, corporate supporters and NDP haters who having pulled out all the stops to retain power, continue to pound the BC NDP long after the bell has rung. Although I saw the election campaign as a rather one sided...