North Shore Table Tennis Club Staged Re-opening

The North Shore Table Tennis Club and Society resumed COVID – 19 modified operations on June 1 2020. To do so safely they carefully reviewed  CDC and WorkSafe checklist and guidelines, and consulted with Vancouver Coastal Health, and VIA Sport. The result of...

North Shore Seniors Table Tennis League (NSSL)

Registration is now open for NSSL Season 5 which begins on Monday, January 20, 2020, and ends on Monday April 6, 2020. Entry forms and league rules are available online at , and and the North Shore Table Tennis. Deadline for entry is...

Why Table Tennis Match Play Practice Is Important

  In Table Tennis, like other racket sports match practice is crucial for developing experience in a number of areas. These include, being able to execute skills in pressure situations, learning to adapt to different styles and tactics, and testing your tactics...