by Mike Dumler | Nov 17, 2014
Initial Reaction to Results My initial reaction to the election results is that they could have been better, but then they could have been much worse. Of course, as a member of OneCity I was very disappointed that RJ Aquino did not get elected. I was also disappointed... by Mike Dumler | Nov 24, 2011
In time honoured fashion the media, candidates (successful and not), political parties, and bloggers (like me) are all putting their spin on the recent Vancouver election results. The media of course looks for most sensational way to portray the results, candidate... by Mike Dumler | Jun 24, 2011
The COPE Vision Agreement is being voted on by COPE members this Sunday (June 26) at the Japanese Hall 487 Alexander Street. Registration starts at 2:00pm, and the meeting is scheduled to start at 3:00. There has also been a lot of membership renewals and sign-ups... by Mike Dumler | Apr 27, 2010
The Vancouver School Board is made up of nine trustees who are elected every three years to provide governance and democratic stewardship of one of the most diverse public school systems in Canada. We entrust to them the mission of enabling each student in...