To Blog or not to Blog?

I was recently asked if I had fully retired by someone who read the Table Tennis posts on my website, and noted I had posted nothing so far this year. The fact is I have been busier than ever in my semi-retirement. So busy in fact I had all but forgotten I had a blog,...

Table Tennis Update

NSTTC New Sponsorship Program & expansion News The North Shore Table Tennis Club (NSTTC) – currently located at the Gloria Dei Church, 1110 Gladwin Drive has announced a new sponsorship program to help fund its new schools programs, and expansion of its Training...

IKEA Lockout Shocking

This weekend I was shocked to learn that Ikea had locked out its workers at your Richmond BC store.  Almost all of my furniture (like the many bookcases in the attached photo) has been purchased at Ikea, and I have always suggested Ikea as a great place to shop to my...

My Take on the COPE AGM & Next Steps

I took part in COPE’s 6 hour marathon AGM yesterday (Sunday Feb 19th) along with nearly 300 other dedicated COPE members. Like many others I found the evident dis-unity and factionalism within COPE and its impact on the elections process frustrating. Unlike some...

A Good COPE-Vision Agreement

The COPE Vision Agreement is being voted on by COPE members this Sunday (June 26) at the Japanese Hall  487 Alexander Street. Registration starts at 2:00pm, and the meeting is scheduled to start at 3:00. There has also been a lot of membership renewals and sign-ups...